Lecture at uwimi.com
A few months back the co-founder of STC Shannon Bufton was lucky enough to be asked to give a lecture for the uwimi.com website. Uwimi.com is a similair concept to TED and the site hosts a range of lectures from people from all walks of life in china - all recorded in a professional environment. You can see the lecture below - it was cut back a lot by the editors but you get the general idea.
So far it has had some 7200 views and over 50 comments. It was released on the weekend close to October 1st when Beijing had horrendous traffic congestion to maximize the impact.
It is really good to see so many positive comments on our point of view - some of the highlights were ;
Support Shannon. We need to reform step by step, we shouldn't hold on to our own ideology. I agree there should be plan for no car places such as for Nan Luo Guo Xiang. Everytime i go there, there are cars passing through, it takes up so much public space, it doesn't give pedestrians good feeling. It's much better to use bike there. Good ideas should be implemented and related government department and media can help to promote and given this, the situation will change.
Public transport and bike should the main form of transportation for the city. Government should be reponsible for promoting this.
Environment protection shouldn't be a thing we just talk about, we should act on it. Don't just look at Shannon with doubt and surprise. The climate has changed so much, haven't you felt it?
Feel free to add your own comments below the video ;