06/07-06/09: STC at Pedalfest Zagreb, Croatia

We are happy to announce Smarter Than Car's participation in a great bicycle and cycling related event, the Pedalafest in Zagreb, Croatia. The enthusiastic pedalafest team invited STC to give a lecture, a workshop and participate in an event inviting festival participants and the interested public to form a 'pedalafest brainpool'. We are curious to see the challenges of for cycling and bicycle cultures in Zagreb, we were told that cycling in Zagreb still suffers from a very dominant car-culture and from inadequate infrastructural measures. Nevertheless Zagreb's cycling community appears as growing and vibrant and very interested to influence public opinion in favor of the bicycle, for example with critical mass rides (one of them will also be the grand final of the festival!!!).

For STC this event is a wonderful opportunity to meet people from Central and South-Eastern Europe and to learn more about cycling cultures in the region. We are happy to participate in and facilitate a bicycle cultural exchange within Europe and with China and also see cities such as Zagreb as places where a bicycle urbanization process is gaining momentum. In this sense we are very much looking forward to spend the next week in Zagreb. You can find more Information on the program on the homepage of Pedalafest Zagreb 2012.
