07/28 : Lecture - New York’s pedal power and Beijing’s bicycles
New York’s pedal power and Beijing’s bicyclesSTC Beijing will present their ongoing recent research on aspects of bicycle culture in various places across the globe. This event is a preview to an upcoming talk which STC will give at ‘UIA2011 Tokyo – The World Congress of Architecture’ later this year.Outline:...
Shannon 22 Jul 2011 Hits : 6987

08/12: Midnight Ride Series 2
Damn its hot. Finding it hard to sleep at night ? So are we - so lets just skip it all together and ride through the cool air of the night ! Join us for an hour long ride exploring Beijing and discover the beauty of car free roads and...
Shannon 07 Jul 2011 Hits : 6659

07/29: Midnight Ride Series 1
Damn its hot. Finding it hard to sleep at night ? So are we - so lets just skip it all together and ride through the cool air of the night ! Join us for an hour long ride exploring Beijing and discover the beauty of car free roads and...
Shannon 04 Jul 2011 Hits : 7977

10/29 : Friday Light Ride Bowling
{jcomments off}Friday Light Ride - Bowling ! Friday October 29th 8.30 pm Meet at 8.30 pm between drum and bell tower for a night ride to a bowling alley. Time to bust some pins. Please email us if you are going to attend - all welcome ! ...
Shannon 08 Oct 2010 Hits : 5745

07/30 : Friday Light Ride - Hutongs, Tapas and Movies
This month’s Friday Light Ride we are organizing a special tapas style BBQ and screening a few short bicycle movies at The Hutong in Dongcheng district. It is mid summer so come out and enjoy the balmy night on the rooftop after a leisurely ride through the city. Drinks will be...
14 Jul 2010 Hits : 5637
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