08/30: STC at European Forum Alpbach 2012: Bicycle Urbanism
STC has been invited by IG Sarajevo to participate at the European Forum Alpbach 2012. Since 1945 the European Forum Alpbach is every year inviting thinkers from across the globe to form a think-tank on specific themes in the alpine setting of the Tyrolean village Alpbach. STC will contribute to...
florian 27 Aug 2012 HITS : 13059

8/16: STC at the Royal Danish Embassy in Beijing
Smarter Than Car is happy to announce that the Royal Danish Embassy in Beijing will be hosting a lecture by STC. The lecture is entitled "(Bi)cycle Urbanism: From Beijing Around the World and Back" and will present STC's work on the concept of (Bi)cycle Urbanism in...
florian 01 Aug 2012 HITS : 9800

06/30 : Dong Cheng Bicycle 'Amazing Race'
STC will be supporting an initiative of the Dong Cheng District Government - Amazing Bicycle Race. Date :June 30, 2012 7:30 a.m.-11:30p.m.Venue:Opening ceremony will be held at Dongbianmen watchtower Ending ceremony will be held at drum-towerAttendee:10 pax / Team, totally 4 teamsSubject:Bicycle · Discovery Travel ·Green ExperienceObjective: (1)Experience in Dongcheng (2)Advocating...
Shannon 23 Jun 2012 HITS : 8024

06/26-06/29: STC at Velo-city Global 2012 in Vancouver
Smarter Than Car will be participating in the Velo-city global 2012 conference taking place in Vancouver Canada from June 26-29 this year. Smarter Than Car's researcher Florian Lorenz will be presenting a latest version of STC's work on bicycle urbanism. The piece which has been worked out by Shannon Bufton and...
florian 29 May 2012 HITS : 9608

06/07-06/09: STC at Pedalfest Zagreb, Croatia
We are happy to announce Smarter Than Car's participation in a great bicycle and cycling related event, the Pedalafest in Zagreb, Croatia. The enthusiastic pedalafest team invited STC to give a lecture, a workshop and participate in an event inviting festival participants and the interested public to form a 'pedalafest...
florian 28 May 2012 HITS : 8855

04/22: Climate Ride
The Danish Embassy in Beijing are partnering with STC to organize a "Climate Ride" to promote green transportation. On occasion of the Danish EU Presidency the Danish Embassy Sunday 22nd of April organised a ‘Climate Race’ in and outside Beijing to promote green transportation and solution and raise awareness of climate...
Shannon 22 Apr 2012 HITS : 10608

03/29: Lecture "Beijing" at ETH DARCH chair of Urban Think Tank
Smarter Than Car's work on bicycle urbanism as studied in the example of Beijing will be presented by STC researcher Florian Lorenz in Zürich, Switzerland at ETH DARCH's Chair of Architecture and Urban Design run by Urban-Think Tank. The talk will be part of the Urban Stories lecture series which...
florian 30 Mar 2012 HITS : 4810

07/28 : Lecture - New York’s pedal power and Beijing’s bicycles
New York’s pedal power and Beijing’s bicyclesSTC Beijing will present their ongoing recent research on aspects of bicycle culture in various places across the globe. This event is a preview to an upcoming talk which STC will give at ‘UIA2011 Tokyo – The World Congress of Architecture’ later this year.Outline:...
Shannon 22 Jul 2011 HITS : 9304

07/16: Bike Swap Meet
Bike Swap Meet - part of the Beijing Farmers Market / Country Fair. What better way to spend an afternoon than hanging around bikes and bike parts and swapping them with friends. Do you have a cupboard full of old bike parts ? Old wheels ? Come along this weekend and set...
Shannon 11 Jul 2011 HITS : 11309