08/12: Midnight Ride Series 2
Damn its hot. Finding it hard to sleep at night ? So are we - so lets just skip it all together and ride through the cool air of the night ! Join us for an hour long ride exploring Beijing and discover the beauty of car free roads and...
Shannon 07 Jul 2011 HITS : 6651

07/29: Midnight Ride Series 1
Damn its hot. Finding it hard to sleep at night ? So are we - so lets just skip it all together and ride through the cool air of the night ! Join us for an hour long ride exploring Beijing and discover the beauty of car free roads and...
Shannon 04 Jul 2011 HITS : 7971

05/18: Lecture - Learning from Bicycle Cultures in Beijing and New York
There is a lecture coming up in Vienna which will feature STC's ongoing research on bicycle culture in Beijing and STC's comparative work on international policies supporting bicycle life. STC researcher Florian Lorenz will give a talk in the public venue of Vienna's Department of Urban Planning (MA18) on May...
florian 04 May 2011 HITS : 5348
04/03: Bohai or Bust
Bohai or Bust charity event took place in Mutianyu in Sunday April 3rd 2011. STC was key organizer and supporter of the event. For more info on the event check out the website - http://bohaiorbust.org/ Promo video for the event is above - give it a few minutes to load....
Shannon 10 Mar 2011 HITS : 6358

02/26: JisuPK Race 3 Studio-X
Race 3 JISU PK @ STUDIO - X Our final JISU PK event for the winter is coming up soon - Saturday Feb 26th 7pm - 10pm ! Come out and support STC and have some fun.We are very happy to announce that this event will be taking place at Studio-X...
Shannon 18 Feb 2011 HITS : 8806

01/22 : JisuPK Race 2 Decathlon Cup
Race 2 Decathlon Cup Sponsors : Major : Decathlon Equipment Sponsors : Natooke, Flying Banana, Velo, Wellgo. Location : Decathlon Store, Yi Zhuang. 北京市大兴区亦庄经济技术开发区文化园西路3号, China+86 Transport - Subway line 5 extension Yizhuang stop. Bus numbers 665,723,652,927, Express 202, Express 115 View Map Time : Jan 22nd 1 pm - 5 pm Number of participants :...
Shannon 24 Dec 2010 HITS : 17682

01/15: JisuPK Race 1 Natooke + Swift Carbon Cup
Race 1 Natooke + Swift Carbon Cup Sponsors : Major : Flying Banana + Natooke fixed gear bike shop / Swift Carbon Minor : Velo, Wellgo, Respro, Beijing FG, Mess Location : School bar Wudaoying HutongSchool (No. 53 Wudaoying Hutong | 五道营胡同53号 View Map Time : Jan 15th 7 pm - 11pm Number of participants :...
Shannon 24 Dec 2010 HITS : 12150

01/15 : Beijing JISU PK Winter Series
This winter STC and 北京和博乐维科技有限公司 present a JISU PK. JISU PK is an indoor bicycle roller racing system. Up to 4 riders compete against each other over a virtual 300 meters. The race is projected on a big screen so your friends can cheer you on. The series will have 1000’s...
Shannon 24 Dec 2010 HITS : 9921

10/03 : Biking to the Arts Series 3 Gulou to Today Art Museum
{jcomments off}The sunny blue skys of Autumn are well and trully here and cold evenings are creeping in - not long now before winter comes and the best cycling days of the year are behind us. SO - come out an join STC this weekend for our last 'Ride to the...
Shannon 08 Oct 2010 HITS : 6227