03/29: Lecture "Beijing" at ETH DARCH chair of Urban Think Tank
Smarter Than Car's work on bicycle urbanism as studied in the example of Beijing will be presented by STC researcher Florian Lorenz in Zürich, Switzerland at ETH DARCH's Chair of Architecture and Urban Design run by Urban-Think Tank. The talk will be part of the Urban Stories lecture series which puts an emphasis on deciphering the underlying "urban plans, instruments, visions, political decisions, economic reasoning, cultural inputs and social organizations" which have produced a certain urban morphology. With this knowledge 'urban operational tools' shall be defined which collectively will form an operational urban toolbox as an "improvised manual to navigate theories".
This lecture is a great opportunity to merge the research were doing in Beijing with Smarter Than Car with new insights into Beijing's urban development and contemporary urban morphology. The lecture will present three urban operational tools for analysis and intervention in urban environments; (I) The Event Catalyst; (II) The Cellular City; and; (III) Bicycle Urbanism.