8/16: STC at the Royal Danish Embassy in Beijing

Smarter Than Car is happy to announce that the Royal Danish Embassy in Beijing will be hosting a lecture by STC. The lecture is entitled "(Bi)cycle Urbanism: From Beijing Around the World and Back" and will present STC's work on the concept of (Bi)cycle Urbanism in an updated form since STC's participation at Velo-city 2012 in Vancouver. More emphasis and examples from the Chinese context will provide fertile ground for a discussion on the potential of a (bi)cycle urbanism approach in Chinese urbanisation. Please read the invitation below and don’t be slow with RSVPing for the lecture with your name, email and phone number sent to: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it


Here you find the text from the event's invite:

"Since 2010 the team of STC has been researching Beijing’s diverse (bi)cycle cultures and published their findings in international media and at conferences reaching global audiences. Recently STC was hosting workshops and giving lecture in places like Vienna, Zagreb or Zurich creating international attention for Beijing’s (bi)cycling cultures. In July 2012 STC presented two papers at the world’s premier international cycling planning conference, the Velo-city conference, held in Vancouver Canada. STC’s contributions centered around (bi)cycling advocacy work in Beijing, STC’s research on Beijing’s bicycle livelihoods and the potentials of a ‘(bi)cycle urbanism’ approach.

STC will present the current state of their findings and insights into the work STC is doing in China and internationally. The talk will feature STC’s concept of (Bi)cycle Urbanism in an updated form and present more emphasis and examples from the Chinese context. The evening will provide fertile ground for a discussion on the potential of a (bi)cycle urbanism approach in Chinese urbanization.

The lecture will take place at the Royal Danish Embassy in Beijing on Thursday, August 16th at 7.30 PM. STC is glad to announce that the Danish Embassy in Beijing will be hosting this talk, providing an excellent venue to discuss Beijing’s unique (bi)cycling culture and its potentials to inspire (bi)cycling cultures globally. The Royal Danish Embassy in Beijing has been a tremendously valuable supporter of STC. Their donation helped funding the attendance of STC at the Velo-city conference and we are now very grateful for use of the Embassy for this lecture.

Please note that to enter the embassy you must be on the RSVP list. Please email This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it with your name, email and mobile phone number if you wish to attend."