Velo City Bicycle Urbanism Abstract accepted
Our Abstract was recently accepted by the Velo City conference organizers for presentation at the conference in Vienna this June. Abstract is as follows ; How Smart Cities Can Benefit from (Bi)cy......
Shannon Comments 15 4月 2013 HITS : 742

STC's Talks from Velo-city Global 2012 Vancouver
This June Smarter Than Car was giving two talks at the Velo-city global 2012 conference held in Vancouver Canada. As an international cycling venue, the conference was a great opportunity for STC to c......
florian Comments 09 8月 2012 HITS : 3293

Framing (Bi)cycle Urbanism
Smarter Than Car is breeding a theoretical framework since some while which can be used to discuss the role of cycles (defined as pedal-powered vehicles oft two or three wheels) in contemporary and fu......
florian Comments 19 6月 2012 HITS : 5224

自行车的都市生活 - Zoll+杂志
过去几周,STC的研究专家 Florian Lorenz 和STC的共建者 Shannon Bufton 正在为完成即将发表在今冬Zoll 杂志上的文章做最后的工作。 Zoll 是在奥地利发行的有关地貌和开放空间的杂志。Florian 是在维也纳做了有关北京自行车生活方式的报告后,收到了发表有关文章的邀请。比车牛在维也纳的分支也在处于筹备当中,请关注即将出台的 stcv......
Shannon Comments 07 12月 2011 HITS : 6789

Beijing Planning Review
STC recently published a paper in the Beijing Planning Review journal. The article was presented in the special VISION section and was co-written STC's research team of Shannon Bufton and Florian Lo......
Shannon Comments 06 12月 2011 HITS : 4670

World Congress of Architects Presentation
今年十月,STC创建人 - Shannon Bufton去东京出席了第24届世界建筑学大会,并且在会议上呈递了一份报告。这篇报告是由Shannon和STC的研究大腕-Florian Lorenz共同完成的。在此,我们感谢“自然的朋友”为我们提供大会注册所需的费用。这份报告的标题是:‘北京自行车的生活方式与其对未来良好的城市发展的关系’报告的摘要如下:对于政策制定者和城市设计者来讲,在重新设计未......
Shannon Comments 06 12月 2011 HITS : 6798