derStandard: What New York May Learn from Beijing
The Austrian newspaper derStandard featured an image based story on STC's comparative research work on their webpage. The image stream titled "What New York May Learn from Beijing" refers to a public talk recently held by STC's Florian Lorenz and includes images by STC's Shannon Bufton which show urban bicycle...
florian 06 Jul 2011 HITS : 4204

DiePresse: Cultural Struggle on the Bicycle Lane
The Austrian newspaper 'DiePresse' featured a portrait of STC researcher Florian Lorenz in their weekend issue of June 12th. Several key lessons of STC's research work are presented in their relevancy for Vienna's bicycle culture. The article's title translates to "Cultural Struggle on the Bicycle Lane" which refers to several...
florian 22 Jun 2011 HITS : 4037

Women of China : Pedal Power, Group Tries to Save Beijing's Bike Culture
Article by Li Muxin in the Chinese Publication - Women of China. Direct Link to the article is here - http://www.womenofchina.com.cn/html/node/1011-1.htm The community group known as Smarter Than Cars (STC) is trying to show that living and moving around Beijing is better on two wheels. The members stress both the importance of...
Shannon 13 Feb 2011 HITS : 11333

Radio Beijing : Passion For Bicycles
Radio Beijing NetFM Talkbox was interested to have speakers from the TEDxBeijing event come and talk about their speeches they had done at the TED event. The mountaineer and photographer Stefen Chow and Ines Brunn were invited to talk about their passion for 1 hour. This session was also been...
08 Jul 2010 HITS : 3346

TED in Beijing : Changes of Perception of the Bicycle
On November 13th 2000 was the first TED event in Beijing called TEDxBeijing. Ines Brunn was selected as a speaker! She chose the title: Changes of Perception. It was about encouraging people to change their perception about bicycles and re-consider to ride. Especially in Beijing. And to inspire people that...
08 Jul 2010 HITS : 3191

China Daily : Bike Enthusiasts Gear up to Convert Commuters in City
Article in the China Daily newspaper about Shannon Bufton, STC and how he wants to inspire smart people to use the bicycle in Beijing instead of being stuck in traffic jams. The online article can be found on their website. Here a copy of the article for reference: Bike Enthusiasts Gear...
08 Jul 2010 HITS : 7213

China Daily : Global Cyclist Records Capital’s Lost Culture
Articles in the China Daily newspaper about fellow cyclist Anthony Siracusa that is traveling the world. Here is the link to the original article on the online version of the paper. Global Cyclist Records Capital’s Lost Culture By Todd Balazovic (China Daily) Updated: 2010-03-17 07:56 Pedal power no longer a moving force...
08 Jul 2010 HITS : 3047

Global Times : Speeding Pigeons
Global Times Article about STC Beijing in the newspaper. Here is the link to the original article on the Global Times website. But I also copied the article so it can be read here directly. Speeding Pigeons Source: Global Times [00:45 April 01 2010] Ines Brunn, co-founder of Smarter Than Car, performs a...
08 Jul 2010 HITS : 6948

Beijing Today : Cycling Club Says Bikes Solution to Pollution, Traffic Jams
Beijing Today newspaper published an article about "Smarter than Cars". Here is the link to their online article. Here is the copy of their article: Cycling Club Says Bikes Solution to Pollution, Traffic Jams April 7, 2010 Smarter Than Car’s spring ride gathers 40 participants with fixed-gear bikes. Photo by Ines Brunn By...
08 Jul 2010 HITS : 8344