Global Times China: Getting back on the saddle
Since STC's talk at the Danish Embassy in Beijing the Chinese newspaper Global Times has published a story on STC's work on (bi)cycle urbanism in their online and printed versions, written by Matthew Jukes. You can find an online version of the article on the Global Times website or read it...
florian 21 Aug 2012 Hits : 3357

Wiener Zeitung - Freitritt: The Bicycle is Underused
Recently the bicycle-blog section "Freitritt" of the Austrian Newspaper "Wiener Zeitung" featured a piece on STC's Florian Lorenz. It talks about STC's work on documenting Beijing's diverse cycling cultures and STC's hypothesis in (bi)cycle urbanism that Beijing shows on a global scale the still unused potentials of cycles for a...
florian 08 Aug 2012 Hits : 3312

Calgary Herald: Coolness and conflict
Recent coverage about STC participation at Velo-city 2012 Vancouver by Tom Babin from The Calgary Herald. online: http://blogs.calgaryherald.com/2012/06/26/coolness-and-conflict-two-things-i-learned-during-a-day-surrounded-by-global-bike-advocates/ Coolness and conflict: Two things I learned during a day surrounded by global bike advocates Out of all the talk about cycling around the world today at the Velo-City 2012, an international conference on...
florian 27 Jun 2012 Hits : 3436

PedalAsia : Interview with Shannon Bufton
Gavin Dixon and Bryon Kidd from Japan chat with STC Co-founder Shannon Bufton on all things cycling in Beijing. http://www.pedalasia.com/2012/05/pedal-asia-episode-2.htmlexpandComments('COMMENT137', 'https://stcbj.com/index2.php?option=com_webeecomment', '137');
Shannon 22 Jun 2012 Hits : 3553

CBC: Q with JIan Ghomeshi
STC Co-founder Shannon Bufton was interviewed for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation about the demise of the bicycle in Beijing and some of the work that STC is undertaking to revive cycling. http://podcast.cbc.ca/mp3/podcasts/qpodcast_20120425_14757.mp3 Starts at 39:40 expandComments('COMMENT138', 'https://stcbj.com/index2.php?option=com_webeecomment', '138');
Shannon 22 Jun 2012 Hits : 3735
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