Calgary Herald: Coolness and conflict
Recent coverage about STC participation at Velo-city 2012 Vancouver by Tom Babin from The Calgary Herald.
Coolness and conflict: Two things I learned during a day surrounded by global bike advocates
Out of all the talk about cycling around the world today at the Velo-City 2012, an international conference on urban cycling taking place in Vancouver, a couple of themes jumped out at me. Here’s a quick overview:
1. What’s cool? Despite all the work from traffic engineers, planners and bike advocates all over the world, the biggest force in global cycling may have nothing to do with them. It may be the cool factor.
That may sound petty, but if Steve Jobs proved anything, it’s that being cool is powerful. You may accept the fact that cycling is good for the environment, good for cities, and good for neighbourhoods, but the one aspect that may be pushing its growth more than all that is culture – fashionable young people on bikes are cool just about everywhere, and politicians are catching on.
In fact, the one place where it isn’t cool may further prove the point. Florian Lorenz, an Austrian working on bike advocacy in Beijing, gave a fascinating talk today about the situation in China. In 1986, 63 per cent of trips in Beijing were made by bicycle, which is miles beyond what any major city in the world is at today – it’s nearly double the bike havens of Amsterdam and Copenhagen. In fact, it may be the most bike-friendly urban setting of the past century.
But Beijing’s bike “modal share” today has fallen to 17 per cent. In any other city, 17 per cent would be a braggable number, but in Beijing, Lorenz painted a picture of cycling struggling to maintain a foothold. “There’s a really diverse bicycle culture that’s rapidly being lost,” Lorenz said.
Why? Because it’s uncool. For generations, cycling in Beijing was for poor people, and with China’s newfound wealth, what’s cool is a Mercedes Benz, not your grandfather’s junky biped. Lorenz even quoted a Chinese pop star’s famous line that she’d rather be crying in the back of a BMW than laughing on the back of a bike.
What’s all that mean? Cycling advocates riding a wave of popularity may want to take heed. All their talk of making cities better with bikes will crumble if bikes lose their cool. And cool can be a fickle mistress.
2. Conflict is OK. Calgarians tend to think the conflict we’ve seen over the past year related to our bike infrastructure as unique, but nearly every delegate at Velo-City has talked about similar conflict – adding bike infrastructure to cities weaned on cars is tough. Not everybody likes it, and it doesn’t always work.
What emerged today, at least to me, was a sense that conflict can be OK. Several delegates pointed out that debates between road users is where the good work of building cities gets done. This type of conflict can even be inherently democratic. “We try to be smiling at the conflicts,” said Piotr Kuropatwinski, a Polish urban planner.
The important part is to that the conflict leads to something constructive. Everybody on both sides of the debate needs to realize they aren’t always right, and their cause isn’t inherently good. It can be a long and painful process, but nobody said building cities was easy.