Velo City Bicycle Urbanism Abstract accepted
Our Abstract was recently accepted by the Velo City conference organizers for presentation at the conference in Vienna this June. Abstract is as follows ; How Smart Cities Can Benefit from (Bi)cycle Urbanism This contribution for an interactive conference format - preferably workshop or podium discussion - will be discussing the concept of...
Shannon 15 Apr 2013 Hits : 681

STC's Talks from Velo-city Global 2012 Vancouver
This June Smarter Than Car was giving two talks at the Velo-city global 2012 conference held in Vancouver Canada. As an international cycling venue, the conference was a great opportunity for STC to connect to other (bi)cycling advocacy initiatives from around the globe and to discuss STC’ lectures and ideas...
florian 09 Aug 2012 Hits : 3179

Framing (Bi)cycle Urbanism
Smarter Than Car is breeding a theoretical framework since some while which can be used to discuss the role of cycles (defined as pedal-powered vehicles oft two or three wheels) in contemporary and future cities. With the term (bi)cycle urbanism we aim at supporting a new integrated role for pedal-powered...
florian 19 Jun 2012 Hits : 5050

Beijing Planning Review
STC recently published a paper in the Beijing Planning Review journal. The article was presented in the special VISION section and was co-written STC's research team of Shannon Bufton and Florian Lorenz. Thanks to Zhang Ying for translation and support. The paper was entitled "Isn't it time to take the bicycle...
Shannon 06 Dec 2011 Hits : 4589

World Congress of Architects Presentation
In October STC co-founder Shannon Bufton travelled to Tokyo to present a paper to the UIA World Congress of Architects. The paper was co-authored by Shannon and STC's research guru Florian Lorenz. Thanks to Friends of Nature for contributing funds to help us register for the event. The paper was entitled...
Shannon 06 Dec 2011 Hits : 6647